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علاج الدوالي
أصبح علاج الدوالي خيارًا شائعًا بين المرضى الذين يختارون السياحة الصحية في تركيا في السنوات الأخيرة. تقدم تركيا خدمات رعاية صحية عالية الجودة ومرافق طبية مجهزة تجهيزًا جيدًا، مما يوفر علاجًا على مستوى عالمي للدوالي. HEALTH VOYAGE هي إحدى شركات السياحة الصحية الرائدة التي تقدم هذه الخدمات.
لماذا تختار علاج الدوالي في تركيا؟
الأطباء الخبراء: تتعاون شركة HEALTH VOYAGE مع المستشفيات في تركيا التي لديها أطباء متخصصون في علاج الدوالي من ذوي الخبرة الدولية. يستخدم هؤلاء الأطباء أحدث التقنيات والأساليب لتوفير أفضل خيارات العلاج لمرضاهم.
مستشفيات مجهزة بالكامل: المرافق الطبية في تركيا مجهزة بالأجهزة الطبية الحديثة وطرق العلاج المبتكرة. من خلال برنامج HEALTH VOYAGE، يتمتع المرضى بفرصة تلقي العلاج باستخدام أحدث القدرات التكنولوجية.
تكاليف معقولة: تقدم تركيا خدمات رعاية صحية عالية الجودة بتكاليف معقولة مقارنة بالعديد من الدول الأوروبية والأمريكية. وهذا يوفر ميزة كبيرة، خاصة بالنسبة للعلاجات المتخصصة مثل علاج الدوالي
خدمات علاج الدوالي التي تقدمها شركة HEALTH VOYAGE في تركيا
الفحص والتشخيص: تتضمن الخطوة الأولى إجراء فحص تفصيلي وتقنيات تصوير متقدمة لتحديد درجة ومدى الدوالي. يقوم أطباؤنا المتخصصون بوضع خطط علاجية مخصصة من خلال تقييم الظروف الفريدة لمرضانا.
العلاج بالليزر (EVLT): العلاج بالليزر الوريدي (EVLT) هو طريقة طفيفة التوغل تستخدم طاقة الليزر لإغلاق الدوالي. تُفضل هذه الطريقة بسبب وقت التعافي السريع وانخفاض مخاطر المضاعفات.
الاستئصال بالترددات الراديوية (RFA): تُستخدم طاقة الترددات الراديوية لإغلاق الدوالي. تعتبر هذه الطريقة أيضًا طفيفة التوغل وتسمح للمرضى بالعودة إلى أنشطتهم اليومية بسرعة.
العلاج بالتصليب: يتم حقن مادة تصلب في الوريد بإبرة دقيقة لإغلاق الدوالي. إنه فعال للغاية في علاج الدوالي الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم.
الطرق الجراحية: بالنسبة لمشاكل الدوالي المتقدمة، تتم إزالة الدوالي من خلال التدخلات الجراحية التي يقوم بها جراحون خبراء. بعد العلاج الجراحي، تتم مراقبة المرضى عن كثب ومتابعة عملية التعافي بعناية
Plan your treatment
Do not postpone your treatment
Hair transplantation is a natural and permanent solution for the baldness and hair loss problem of those who experience hair loss and thinning. The procedure of transplanting healthy hair follicles to areas where hair follicles are no longer active and where balding occurs is called hair transplantation.
In hair transplantation operation, the follicular units in which the hair grows are harvested one by one with personalized micro-surgical instruments without cutting and stitching from the nape and above-ear area where the non-androgenic hair follicles that are coded not to fall out and transplanted to the hairless areas on the same day using the technique (Sapphire Fue, DHI) determined by a doctor or expert.
Hair transplantation is planned and performed completely in a personalized way. The goal is to provide a natural, permanent hairy appearance that will look natural in hairless or thin areas. Hair transplantation (hair transplant) is a surgical operation. For this reason, it should be performed in a hospital setting by experienced doctors and a professional team. With the hair transplantation procedure, the individual's own hair is permanently gained as if it has never been shed.
Our aim in the hair transplantation procedure is to restore the natural hair look in a comfortable way with modern medical techniques.
Beard and mustache is the most important part of the exterior appearance of men. These procedures are permanent solutions carried out by transplanting hair follicles in order to change the thin appearance, scars of an accident, burns (scar tissue) and to provide aesthetic appearance in the beard or mustache area due to various reasons.
Today, one of the most preferred aesthetic procedures for women and men is eyebrow shaping. Because the eyebrows make the facial features clear and directly affect the expression, gaze, and appearance.
Among men and women, all individuals of all ages, who have had hair loss problems for various reasons, do not have a medical disease that prevents hair transplantation and have enough hair follicles in the donor area, can undergo hair transplantation operation by the ages of 19-20 years.
Am I an eligible candidate for hair transplantation?
- If you have completed your physical development,
- If you do not have a medical disease that prevents hair transplantation,
- If there are enough and suitable hair follicles in the donor area on your head,
- If there is a suitable space in the transplantation area, you are an eligible candidate for hair transplantation.
- Hair transplantation operation is not only for male hair loss; it is also successfully performed in local spaces that may form as a result of various diseases, scars, burn scars, and surgical sutures.
- Hair transplantation is also successfully performed on women. Considering the size of the bald area, hair transplantation with or without shaving can also be performed, especially in women.
- You can have a preliminary interview with our doctor as soon as possible and have a hair analysis done.
- Your doctor will tell you what you should pay attention to after hair transplantation.
*According to the operation technique determined by the doctor (Safir Fue, DHI), transplantation with or without shaving can be performed.
* The donor area where the hair follicles will be harvested and the transplantation area are drawn and planned by the doctor.
*The hairline is a personal anatomical line. It is determined according to the natural hair border from the area where the forehead tissue ends and the hair texture begins. The most important point in hair transplantation is to pay attention to the forehead muscle. The desired hairline can be created according to the patient's facial type, hairstyle, the state of the hair before shedding, and the forehead muscle line.
*The hairy tissue is shaved according to the course of the procedure.
*Preoperative photos are taken and the patient is transferred to the operating room.
*Local anesthesia is administered using a needle-free local anesthesia device (dermojet) to increase patient comfort during the operation.
*Hair follicles are harvested one by one with precision using personalized micro-surgical instruments.
* The harvested hair follicles are arranged at a certain temperature and in special solutions.
* Canals are opened with a sapphire slit by the doctor, taking into account the direction of the hair growth, the angle and density of the hair.
*Harvested follicles are placed in these canals one by one with meticulous and precise work.
*The goal during the whole operation is to provide a healthy and permanent hair appearance in a natural way that will not be obvious postoperatively.
*The operation is completed in an average of 6 to 8 hours.
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